The foundation and basement of the home of L.J. Powers, known as Quaint Quabbin, is still intact. Powers, whose summer address was Watch Hill, Rhode Island, owned several properties in Enfield. Quaint Quabbin was a fifteen room mansion with six fireplaces, an amazing porch (if I do say so myself!), stables, and a pergola.

You can get to the Quaint Quabbin foundation from Gate 53, across from Hank’s Meadow in Quabbin Park. It is down the path (now known as Webster Road Path, formerly “Long Hill Road” which connected Route 9 to the center of Enfield) about 100 ft or so and on the left.

For more information and suggestions for hikes and activities in Quabbin Park, check out DCR’s “Be a History Detective” trip-tip self-guided adventure and this related video.