Established in 1832, the Swift River Hotel was one of just a few hotels in the valley and the only hotel in Enfield. It was located on a route for public stagecoaches traveling to and from Boston, and the arrival of coaches at the hotel was announced by a loud horn that would sound through the valley.

The hotel’s dining room could seat hundreds; 300 people attended the town’s Centennial celebration there in 1916.
As Donald Howe wrote in the Lost Valley, “the glow of lights from the largest business structure in town cast a cheery glow which added much to the cheerfulness of the near-deserted town in the winter months.

The state bought the hotel in 1930 and leased it to continue operations during construction of the Quabbin, hosting Boston politicians and representatives who visited the project during the 30’s. The building was demolished in the mid-30’s along with the rest of the town’s structures to make way for Boston’s new water supply.